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Par Lance

Par Lance is where I come to talk with my friends, mainly to discuss books. 

Par can mean at face value,and Lance is just me.


From the Oxford English Dictionary:

Parlance /'pa:l(Ə)ns/

noun [mass noun] a particular way of speaking or using words, especially a way common to those with a particular job or interest: dated terms that were once in common parlance | medical parlance.

origin late 16th cent. (denoting speech or debate): from Old French, from parler 'speak', from Latin parabola 'comparison' (in late Latin 'speech').

Currently reading

Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagician's Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks
Arthur Benjamin
Stephens' C# Programming with Visual Studio 2010 24-Hour Trainer
Rod Stephens
The Stonor Eagles
The Legend of the Bloodstone (Time Walkers, #1) - E.B. Brown This is a really great, fast-paced story, which keeps you guessing about the final outcome right up until the last page. The only thing that kept me from awarding five stars to this book was the proliferation of elementary errors of both grammar and vocabulary. Perhaps I should mellow!

Maggie McMillan is working on her farm one day in 2012, tidying out the barn, when she accidentally travels back in time to 1622. How does that happen? She simultaneously cuts her hand and touches a bloodstone. Whenever these circumstances occur, the "victim" inevitably finds him or her self transported in time to some distant destination.

Maggie lands in front of a grizzly bear who is intent on taking her life. She is saved by a Powhatan warrior, Winkeohkwet, otherwise known as Winn. The tribes are well aware of time walkers, but Winn's uncle has declared that all such time travellers should be killed. Maggie is thus in much danger.

It turns out that she is in equal, or even greater, danger from the immigrant English community.

Maggie remembers something of her history lessons from school regarding the early seventeenth century violence and relationships between the native tribes and the immigrants, but not all. She remembers enough to know of an impending massacre, but not enough to be able to "predict" the exact consequences.

She falls in love with Winn.

Where does it all lead? I can't tell you without spoilers. You'll just have to read the book for yourself.

I just want to give you a few examples of the errors, which take the shine off the story for me.

- Flung through time by someone unknown force
- chuckling at the site of them washing clothes together
- while pushing a bowel of food into the man's hands
- also a smaller house to keep their gathered food and supplied.
- and ran her fingers over his taunt nipples to entice him further.
- and certainly not sufficient enough to risk an attempt with her captives. (Should've been "captors")

I am really looking forward to the next installment: [b:Return of the Pale Feather|17371916|Return of the Pale Feather|E.B. Brown|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1366737813s/17371916.jpg|24074851] (expected publication June 2013). It looks like Maggie's life is further complicated by the appearance of more time walkers.

What I would really like to find out, but doubt if I shall, is what happened to Benjamin when he returned to the twenty-first century, and how Marcus reacted when he was either confronted by the returning Benjamin or when he discovered the buried note which Maggie had written four centuries in the past. The story of Benjamin returning to the present day is particularly intriguing, as it would be very traumatic for him. He has lived most of his life in the seventeenth century, so the jump forward could be even more traumatic than the jump backwards in time.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes time travel stories, or native American history, or erotica. If you like all three, then you are already onto a big bonus!

I have always loved time travel stories and the intrigue that they bring. This one is authentic, both in the method of travel and in the natural dilemmas that shifting through time would throw up. Although I am far from being an expert, relying mainly on Hollywood for my sources (!), the native American history appears to have been well researched and seems realistic. I am fairly new to erotica, but the smattering of close encounters, especially between Winn and Maggie, are very sexy indeed.

So, I would urge you to read and enjoy [b:The Legend of the Bloodstone|17236730|The Legend of the Bloodstone|E.B. Brown|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1359574155s/17236730.jpg|23756089] and I hope that I don't have too long to wait for [b:Return of the Pale Feather|17371916|Return of the Pale Feather|E.B. Brown|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1366737813s/17371916.jpg|24074851].